OUR EVIL (MAL NOSSO) by Samuel Galli
Horror 92' (18+) Brazil Portuguese with English Subs
Awards Best Director & Best Actor - A Night of Horror FF 2017, Best Feature - Macabro FF 2017
Festivals Insolito FF 19, Horrorant FF 18, Blood Window Pinamar FF 18, BARS FF 18, Night Visions FF 18, Blood Window Chile FF 18, Eiree Horror FF 17, A Night of Horror FF 17, IFI Horrorthon 17, NYC Horror FF 17, Sitges FF 17, Pancevo FF 17, BUT FF 17, Macabro FF 17, London Frightfest 17, Grossman FF 17 WP Moscow FF 2017

A man with spiritualist powers is told by his mentor that a demonic entity is coming to destroy his daughter's soul, and that he should take drastic measures to stop this from happening.

South America — a continent with several rich traditions of black magic; not to mention Catholicism, magic realism and a recent history littered with political and social upheaval — has yielded a steady stream of genre fare. To that growing list, Brazilian writer-director Samuel Galli contributes his assured debut feature Our Evil (Mal Nosso), a genuinely original horror movie that proves unpredictable, provocative, affecting and creepy. Using impressive physical effects, Our Evil features gruesome gore sequences which never descend into gratuitousness.

100% Rotten Tomatoes